Screen Overlay Software for Windows 11 or Windows 10

Easy to use Screen Overlay Software for Windows 11 and Windows 10 to have Full Screen Overlay with Text and Image Overlays. You can design or select an appropriate picture for Image Overlay and tile them with this software utility to display the picture on whole screen easily and quickly. Yes, you can even add a Text Overlay and configure it with available configurable parameters. Apart from controlling parameters of Text and Image Overlay, you can even control transparency of the combined Screen Overlay giving you full control on what is displayed on your Windows Computer Screen. The Screen Overlays do not block Mouse Input to the underlying control or application window.

Screenshot of Screen Overlay Software captured on Windows 11 Computer.

Free Trial of Screen Overlay Software by

Download free trial of Screen Overlay Software on your Windows 11 or Windows 10 Computer and try it for Free. This Application is supported on Windows 10, Windows 11 an other latest versions of Microsoft Operating System. At startup, the free trial will display a welcome message and otherwise it is fully functional software with only trial limitations. Once free trial expires, you can pay USD 9.87 and use it on 1 Computer for upto 6 months.

Features of Screen Overlay Software by

This Application allows you to display Image and Text Overlays on your display device or computer monitor. In case you do have multiple display devices connected to your Windows Computer, this application will indeed display the Overlays on all display devices. You can save and load configurable parameters of the overlays in a data file and load it again. When you do not want the Screen Overlay to be displayed, you can simply disable the Overlays or just close the application to remove Screen Overlays displayed.

Screenshots of Screen Overlay Software

Given below screenshots display various features of this Screen Overlay Software captured on Windows 11 Computer. Note that the application is being updated and can have more features as compared to currently displayed screenshots. Yes, you can even suggest a new feature and we will try our best to implement the suggested feature as soon as possible.

Screenshot displaying Text Overlay displayed on to of other applications
Screenshot of Image Creation feature of Screen Overlay Software by

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Please do Send us an email at with your query, suggestion or anything else. Whether you wish to know about any feature of this software or suggest anew feature or bug report or any other query / question, we will try to reply as soon as possible, within less than 24 Hours.